We can produce a sports highlight reel of your team using images and/or video (optional) provided by, YOU, the customer. Please submit electronic JPG images and MP4 video files (clearly organized) on a USB drive (we do not accept emailed images/video.) You must drop off or ship your USB drive our our UPS Store partner location in Portage Michigan (next to Target Store). If you are providing video files of games in full length, please provide the exact times of the video highlight. For example, "005.mp4 use 11:24, 18:04, 35:39, etc..."
Your images and/or video files will be presented in random order (unless labeled otherwise, 001.jpeg, 002.jpeg, 003.mp4, etc). If you have specific music to use, please include the .mp3 file(s) on the USB drive. If not, we will use non-copyrighted, high energy music. The customer assumes the liability for any copyrights on music used as this does not affect our pricing. Video sharing services such as facebook, vimeo, and youtube will flag and delete any videos posted with copyright music. The final video will be available to pickup at UPS Store on USB drive approximately 2 weeks after it's submitted. DVD's are not available.
Each family will have the ability to get the final video to watch, save, and/or share.